今回の箱根とりっぷではGo To トラベル キャンペーンを利用して「湯本富士屋ホテル」にとってもお得に2泊!ゆったりと箱根を巡ることができました。予約時のリクエストにもお応えいただき、箱根湯本駅の見えるバツグンの眺望の部屋に大満足でした。リピート必至!
Hakone trip / Time lapse of Hakone-Yumoto Station / Beautiful Japan
I strolled around in front of Hakone-Yumoto station. I also went to Owakudani.
I took advantage of the Go To Travel Campaign and stayed for two nights at the Yumoto Fujiya Hotel for a great deal! We were able to tour Hakone in a relaxed manner. The room with an excellent view of Hakone-yumoto station met our request at the time of booking and we were very satisfied with the room. We will be returning to this hotel!
【公式】湯本富士屋ホテル Yumoto Fujiya Hotel
大涌谷へ 駐車場・インフォメーションセンター