軽井沢から碓氷峠の碓氷第三橋梁 (めがね橋)を目指します。
碓氷第三橋梁は碓氷川に架かる煉瓦造りの4連アーチ橋で、「めがね橋」という名称で知られています。全長91 m、川底からの高さ31 m、使用された煉瓦は約200万個。1963年に新線が建設され、アプト式鉄道が廃止されるまで使用された。現存する煉瓦造りの橋の中では国内最大規模。
From Karuizawa, we headed for the Usui Daisan Bridge (Megane Bridge) on the Usui Pass.
It is a four-arch brick bridge over the Usui River, and is known as the “Megane Bridge”. It is 91 meters long, 31 meters high from the river bed, and used about 2 million bricks until 1963, when a new line was built and the Abt railroad was discontinued. It is the largest existing brick bridge in Japan.
And the rumors of Japanese serows on the abandoned railway tunnel and foxes on the Usui Pass road were true! A cute fox came close to me.