マー君(楽天:田中将大 投手)が、日本復帰後オープン戦初登板は4回を投げ、3安打2失点で6三振。マー君(楽天:田中将大 投手)が日本の有観客試合に登板するのは2013年11月3日の日本シリーズ第7戦、対巨人以来2680日ぶり。日本での今後の活躍が楽しみです!
Masahiro Tanaka pitched four innings, gave up two runs on three hits, and struck out six in his first appearance in an open game since returning to Japan. It’s been 2,680 days since Masahiro Tanaka pitched in a spectator game in Japan, since Game 7 of the Japan Series against the Giants on November 3, 2013. Can’t wait to see what the future holds for him in Japan!