04:20 西院(さい)
09:50 山ノ内
16:30 太秦広隆寺(うずまさこうりゅうじ)
23:47 車折神社(くるまざきじんじゃ)
35:30 嵐山
36:07 天龍寺
47:29 竹林の坂道
49:50 御髪神社(みかみじんじゃ)
50:45 竹林の小径
54:09 野宮神社(ののみやじんじゃ)
54:39 eXcafe(イクスカフェ)京都嵐山本店
嵐電に乗って沿線の京都旅。嵐電は運賃が全域 220円と安いのですが、一日フリー切符を購入すると更にお得!嵐電単独での切符はないのですが、最安のバス(市バス・京都バス)・嵐電一日券だと大人 800円!嵐電沿線には訪れたいスポットがたくさんあるので、途中下車しまくりで断然お得。一日では足りないですけど。。。
次回は、嵐電で巡る京都 北野線編 をお届けします。
A trip to Kyoto on the Randen. Randen is inexpensive at 220 yen for the whole area, but if you buy a free one-day ticket, you can save even more! There is no ticket for the Randen alone, but the cheapest bus (city bus or Kyoto bus) and Randen one-day ticket is 800 yen for adults! There are many places to visit along the Randen line, so you can save a lot of money by getting off and on. It’s not enough for one day, though.
And the best part is that the train runs frequently, so you don’t have to worry about the time of the train to visit the spots. Even on weekends and holidays, there are six trains an hour from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., and they come every ten minutes.
This time, I took the Arashiyama Line from Shijo-Omiya to Arashiyama, the last stop on the line. There are many difficult-to-read place names and station names in Kyoto, and it is interesting to note that the Arashiyama Line also has some difficult-to-read station names.
I don’t have detailed explanations for each spot, but I hope this will be helpful. There were many spots that I could not visit this time due to time constraints, so I would like to find time to visit them again. I’ve also included links to places to eat that I couldn’t introduce in the video, so please refer to them as well.
In the next video, I will show you the Kitano Line version of Kyoto by Randen.
世界遺産|京都 嵯峨嵐山 臨済宗大本山 天龍寺 公式ホームページ
運・良縁・厄除け・学芸の京都【車折神社】 公式
35.00832140586767, 135.72544893054922
広隆寺 – 京都府観光連盟
eXcafe 京都嵐山本店 インスタグラム(公式)
eXcafe 京都嵐山本店 facebook(公式)
OBU CAFE オブカフェ
京都市右京区嵯峨天龍寺造路町20-1 (京福嵐山駅はんなりほっこりスクエア 2F)
京都嵐山 嵐丼(らんどん)
京都市右京区嵯峨天龍寺造路町20-1(京福嵐山駅はんなりほっこりスクエア 2F)
嵯峨とうふ 稲 本店(現金のみ)
嵯峨野 竹林の道 | 京都 Travel-Navi
京都市嵐山観光駐車場 – 京都府観光連盟