名古屋プリンスホテルスカイタワー 36階(最上階)スカイキングルームに宿泊。名古屋駅側の眺めは絶景です。部屋は32.3㎡と十分な広さがあり、清潔で設備・アメニティも充実しています。以前泊まったJRゲートタワーホテルと甲乙付け難い。流石はプリンスホテルですね!
Stayed at the Sky King Room on the 36th floor (top floor) of the Nagoya Prince Hotel Sky Tower. The view of the Nagoya Station side is spectacular. The room is 32.3 square meters and spacious enough. The room is clean and fully equipped with all amenities. It’s the Prince Hotel, after all! It’s hard to compare it to the JR Gate Tower Hotel where I stayed before.
00:00 Anyway by kyle-cox / Artlist
03:29 Anabel-st by duffmusiq / Artlist
07:48 Pulp-free by vic-davi / Artlist
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