00:00 イントロ
00:36 仁和寺
02:15 御室桜の庭園
10:25 哲学の道
遅咲きとして知られる京都・仁和寺の御室桜。この日見ごろを迎えた御室桜をひと目見ようと多くの人が訪れていました。御室桜は背丈が低いので満開の桜の花に包み込まれているように感じます。五重塔が見える場所ではまるで五重塔が桜の海に浮かんでいるかのようです。桜の他にもツツジなどたくさんの花々が春の仁和寺の美しさを演出していました。 帰り道に寄った哲学の道の水面には花筏が広がっていて、散った桜の美しさがそこにありました。
Omuro-zakura at Ninna-ji Temple in Kyoto is known for its late blooming. Many people came to take a look at the Omuro-zakura, which were at their best on that day. The Omuro-zakura are short, so you feel as if you are enveloped by the cherry blossoms in full bloom. The five-story pagoda seems to be floating in the sea of cherry blossoms at the place where it can be seen. With azaleas and other flowers in full bloom, Ninna-ji Temple is a beautiful sight in spring.
I also stopped by the Philosopher’s Path. Although it was a little late in the season, we could see the beauty of the scattered cherry blossoms with flower rafts spreading on the surface of the water.
世界遺産 真言宗御室派総本山 仁和寺
BGM Track List
00:00 sensation by gray-north Artlist
02:15 butterfly—no-backing-vocals by ian-post Artlist
06:07 it-might-take-a-while by evert-z Artlist
08:06 japonaise by francesco-dandrea Artlist
00:00 sensation by gray-north Artlist