Cycling from Hotel Rosso Karuizawa, where we stayed, to Mampei Hotel. Early in the morning Karuizawa is sparsely populated with people and cars, and it is pleasant to cycle through the trees. Lunch was served in the main dining room of the Mampei Hotel, a favorite of John Lennon, and a relaxing time was spent on the café terrace.
The Hotel Rosso Karuizawa, where we stayed, is a small hotel, but it is close to Karuizawa Station and a great location for exploring Karuizawa by bicycle.
00:00 オープニング
02:22 ホテルロッソ軽井沢
02:22 コースマップ
04:31 軽井沢駅
07:01 「東雲」交差点
07:18 新渡戸通り
08:47 矢ヶ崎通り
11:15 万平通り
14:03 万平ホテル
14:32 メインダイニングルーム
16:40 カフェテラス
19:09 万平通り
21:26 ホテル音羽の森
21:32 旧軽井沢礼拝堂
22:23 軽井沢本通り
24:34 「軽井沢駅入口」交差点
25:09 コースマップ
25:14 ホテルロッソ軽井沢
Good Days – Alex Makemusic / Artlist
country-lanes by paper-planes / Artlist
detour—instrumental-version by claire-kelly / Artlis
sitting-still—instrumental-version by claire-kelly / Artlist
pulp-free by vic-davi / Artlist
wandering-mind by balloonplanet / Artlist
within-these-walls—no-lead-vocals by andrew-word / Artlist
万平ホテル Mampei Hotel
ホテルロッソ軽井沢 Hotel Rosso Karuizawa