今回撮影したのは五山の中で最初に点火される「大文字」。 東側にある東山如意ヶ嶽で「大」という文字。
The “Gozan Okuribi 2022,” a traditional summer event in Kyoto, was held on a normal scale for the first time in three years. Before the lighting of the bonfires, there was a thunderstorm and we were worried that the mountains would be hidden by clouds, but just before the ignition time, the rain stopped and we were able to see the “Daimonji”, one of the most beautiful bonfires.
This time I photographed the “Daimonji,” the first of the five mountains to be lit. The character for “Daimonji” is the character for “Dai” on Higasiyamanyoigatake on the east side of the mountain.
Five bonfires are lit atop the large mountains surrounding the city on the north, east, and west sides. Three are in the shape of Chinese characters while the other two are in the shape of a shrine gate and a boat. The fires are enormous and can be seen from almost anywhere in the city.
00:00 オープニング タイムラプス
01:32 和菓子「松屋藤兵衛」
02:36 『京都くに荘』
02:48 鴨川散策
03:18 荒神 飛び石
07:59 東山如意ヶ嶽
10:15 送り火 点火
菓匠 松屋藤兵衛
〒603-8214 京都府京都市北区紫野雲林院町28
KKR 京都くに荘
〒602-0858 京都府京都市上京区河原町通 荒神口上る東入東桜町27-3